Import & Export
Import & Export Review
2D (Create Part List, Copy Text, Copy Image)
Export Interference Check (CSV, Excel, HTML, Userview)
Translate Single (STEP, IGES, CATIA V5, PDF, 3DXML, CGR, Parasolid)
Translate Multiple (STEP, IGES, CATIA V5, PDF, 3DXML, CGR, Parasolid)
Calculate Projected Area
Undercut Analysis
Draft Angle Analysis
Interference Check Analysis
2D CAD Drawing Compare and 3D Model Compare
Open 3D File Formats
CATIA V5 2D (*.CATDrawing)
ProE/Creo Parametric 2D (*.drw;*.drw.*) versions 16 - Creo 5.0
Solidworks 2D (*.slddrw)
STL (*.stl)
CATIA V4 (*.model;*.exp;*.session) versions 4.1.9 - 4.2.4
CATIA V5 (*.CATPart;*.CATProduct;*.CGR) versions V5R8 - 5-6R2018
UG NX (*.prt) versions 11-NX - 12.0.0
JT (*.jt) versions JT8.x, 9.x, 10, 10.2
Pro/Engineer (*.prt;*.prt.*;*.asm;*.asm.*)
STEP (*.stp;*.step) versions AP203, AP214, AP242
IGES (*.igs;*.iges) versions up to 5.3
Parasolid (*.x_t;*.xmt_txt;*.x_b;*.xmt_bin) versions 9.0 - 31.0.154
Solidworks (*.sldprt;*.sldasm) versions 98 - 2019
Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt,*.iam) versions v11 - 2019
Solid Edge (*.par;*.asm;*.psm) versions V18 - ST11
3D XML (*.3dxml) versions 4.0 - 4.3
XML (*.xml)
Autodesk (*.dwg;*.dxf) versions 2.5 - 2019
HPGL (*.hpgl;*.hpgl2;*.hgl;*.hpg;*.hp2,*.gl2;*.plt)
Image (*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp;*.png;*.tif;*.tiff)
PDF (*.pdf)
New, Open, Save Animation (.AVI)
3D Exploded View
ISO Display (CATIA V5, NX, Default)
Pan, Rotate, Orbit, Move Pivot, Persp./Ortho, Zoom
Show/Hide Components, Annotations, Measurements
Panels (Layer, 2D Layer, Review, Userview, Section, Model Tree, Explore, Properties)
Snap Modes, Osnap
Quick Search Components
Add Model
PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) Display
Save Image
Visual Styles
Solid/ Surface Color and Transparency
Axis Management
Section Plane, Box, Inner
Create Custom View (Snapshot)
Create 2D Projection of Section
Create 2D Projection of Model
Create Animation (Snapshot)
View 2D Drawings (DWG, DXF)
2D View (Monochrome, Mini, Snapshots)
Annoate & Measurement
Surface Notes
2D/3D Notes
3D Markup (Text, Line, Arrow, Circle, Rectangle, Free Curve, Cloud)
2D Markup (Visual Note, Line, Rectangle, Circle)
Basic Measurement (Coordinates, Length, Angle)
Hole Measurement (Radius, Diameter, Coordinate, Slot Hole, Hole Depth, Hole Step)
Comprehensive Distance Measurement Tools
Comprehensive Angle Measurement Tools
Calculate (Bound Boxing, Area, Surface Area)
Calculate (Volume/Weight, Center of Gravity, Surface Volume, Planes)
Save Coordinates
Record Annotations and Measurements
All form fields are required.